lunatic asylum

3480 days ago

London & South East Bulletin Board – what do you not get about free speech? Ref Quindell

I have noted before that the LSE Bulletin Board, Quindell (QPP) thread is an online lunatic asylum where some of the stupidest folk in Christendom post complete gibberish - apparently there is a post there today claiming that the "global shorting conspiracy" is being organised by the CIA and that I am a CIA agent. But this sinister part of the interweb just became more ludicrous.

For we now discover that one poster – who tweets as @creaturemoney – has had his LSE account suspended because he dared to post a link to my Quindell expose video. Yup for posting a link to a video which exposes lies and fraud and so does not suit the “long and wrong” loons who control that board he is now banned.  Yet it is deemed perfectly acceptable by LSE for two contributors to the very same thread to go publish this exchange:
